Friday, July 16, 2010

Flashback Friday - Just good clean fun!

Since I featured bath time this week on
the blog I thought I'd go back and show
you my past bath pictures.
We'll start with my very first bath
of my whole entire life.
Some nice lady at the Hospital gave
it to me and daddy got to help.
I don't know what is about to hit me!

I couldn't stay awake long enough to enjoy it!

Trying to kick my way out!

Here I am at 2 weeks.
My tub looks so big!

Daddy wrapped me in his big towel.
It was sooooo cozy!

Now here I am at 6 weeks.
Mommy does a good job at
covering up my junk so these
photos are internet appropriate!
Here I have my own towel.
It's not as cozy as daddy's.

Even though my next bath shot was not taken
until this week, I promise I have had
baths since 6 weeks old!
There is just no photo evidence!

TGIF - have a nice night!
I get to meet my cousin Lindy this
weekend - she is a avid GUG fan and reader
and also a GUG contest winner!!

1 comment:

  1. You bet I'm a great GUG reader. I can't go a day without knowing what my little cuz is up to. Hopefully you won't get me too wet tonight in the pool.
