Friday, July 9, 2010

Flashback Friday - Animal House

I love stuffed animals...and I have a ton of them.
I have had my picture taken in my crib with
my stuffed pals twice now.
The first is when I was 4 weeks old.
Look at my chicken embarrasing!!

Then last week here I am again, with different
animals. From 4 weeks to 19 weeks...
wow I have really grown!

Have a great weekend...relax and enjoy!!
If you haven't voted - vote for me! That Suri
kid is not that great...I am way cuter!
And my dad is not glib.

1 comment:

  1. Griff,

    Just so you know I did NOT vote for Suri. Honestly, I don't think she's that cute. I mean come on...her dad is a freak! Yes, good actor but freak. Anyway, did your Mommy tell you the good news about next week? I'm sooooo excited!
