Wednesday, June 16, 2010

An unbelievable feat!

I want you to listen up, and listen good!
I have something important and exciting
to tell you and I need your full attention.
Do I have it?

I have been working very

is a very important day at Growing Up Griffey!

Why you ask?
I am 121 days old and I have
100 blog posts under my belt!
That's right, you heard it here first.
Mommy bought me 2 balloons to celebrate.

Wait a minute - what is this?
Doesn't look like my all!

Oh snap, is anyone looking because
I'm gonna devour this bad boy!

Oops...there's mommy!

Don't be mad - remember how cute I am?
Who can resist this face?

If you want to help me celebrate this milestone
and you work with my daddy at SBC,
the first person that stops by his office
and says "I saw it on Growing Up Griffey"
gets the cookie cake.
And trust me, it looks yummy!
Maybe for my 1000th blog post
I will get to eat my own cake!

Also - if you leave a comment on this post by
Friday, you will be entered to win a
$10.00 Target gift card!!!!

That is worth more than gold
in this household so get to commenting
my people!!!

And thanks for visiting my blog.
I hope you enjoy reading it
as much as I enjoy writing it!


  1. Thats good stuff, Keep up the good work kid.


  2. Great blog Griffey! You are adorable!

  3. Griffey- you are the best and so is Target! 2 of my favorite things:) Love you!

  4. Griffey (and the parents) This blog is so refreshing to read. Makes me smile everyday and I cannot wait until your vacation spot is Nashville so I can meet you in person. Keep blogging Griffey !!!


  5. Griffey 100 blogs you are awesome! I don't know how you find time to do all that blogging! I mean seriously between eating, sleeping, pooping and watching those women from New York your day is pretty well booked! You just get cuter by the blog Griffey!

    Aunt Donna

  6. My grandson is absolutely beautiful. I love the blog. Congrats Griffey on #100. You an your mommy are doing a great job.

  7. Wow, Griffey you make me tired. I can't believe that at 121 days old you already have 100 blogs. You make Jeffrey (your "fake" cuz) look like a slacker with his internet stuff. =)

    We LOVE reading about your adventures. Hopefully I can get there soon enough to see it all in real time.

    Love you!
    Cuz Lindy
