Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cereal Killer

This weekend I got to try something new....cereal!!
My cousin Kayla asked if I had Honeycombs.
Oh Kayla, you're so silly, I don't even have teeth!
Just rice cereal.
Too bad Aunt Stacy was there because that
means there are a ton of photos documenting
this milestone...lucky me.
Ok here we go...what do I do?

Don't look if you you have a weak stomach!

The first bite....I don't look too pleased.
No for real, what is this goop?

For the love of Pete, just make it stop!!!

Milk mustache!
Don't my eyelashes look the bomb here?

Seriously, can I just get my milkers straight
up in the bottle just like we've done it
my whole life?

All cleaned up - that's about enough of that!
Whew - glad that's over!!

1 comment:

  1. You know you love it when I take all those pictures!!! You did good Griffey. Not too messy at all.
