Sunday, May 23, 2010


Tonight everything seemed normal - I
had my late night milkers and a diaper
change, then mommy put some pj's on
me. They were long sleeved and covered
my legs too so I thought I was in for a hot
night once she swaddled me. But then
the strangest thing happened -
she gave me my paci and said goodnight.
Wait - no swaddle?

No for real - no swaddle?

Guess not!
Oh boy - will I be able to sleep?

Well first you gotta turn out that light
and stop taking pictures - the flash is
killing me!

I surrender...

Knocked out! Who needs a swaddle? I'm a big boy now!
Now if you want me to stay asleep you gotta
kill that flash.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness the straight jacket is gone! I tried to help you on that little one but your mommy wasn't listening to me. finally she came to her senses. Maybe she should try the straight jacket for awhile!
