Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Birds and the Bears

I accidentally left my Cubs shirt over
at Grammy and GT's...big mistake. Huge!
GT always tells me 'Cubs drool, Cards rule!'
Then mommy tells me he's wrong, it's
really 'Cards drool, Cubs rule!
I gotta go with my mommy.
So I was a little displeased when I got
my Cubs shirt back.
Something smells...

Wait a minute, is that what I think it is?


I'm so shirt is ruined!

Mommy said she could fix it. Can I look yet?

Hmmmm...I think it's back to normal.

Woohoo!! Go Cubs!!

It's all smiles now!

1 comment:

  1. Ok...Grif listen to your aunt here...Your mommy is a great mommy but sometimes she gets things a little confused. Cards DO Rule...Cubs drool. I am the big sister and I know these things.
