Monday, March 22, 2010

Sock Monkeying Around

My mommy has a VERY cool friend Julie who
lives all the way in Alabama.
We wish she lived closer so I could play
with her kiddos and Mom and Julie could
"run errands" together.
Miss Julie sent me
the cutest hat, socks and outfit with sock are going to die when you
see how cute I am in it. The outfit is too
big but I will wear it soon...I am growing
like a weed!
Here is a fun shot of me in the hat...don't faint
over how freaking cute I am!

Miss Cara at Mommy's work gave me this frog.
My mommy takes my picture by it every month
to see how much I've grown. Too bad they
don't make stuffed Griffey Animals...they'd sell like hot cakes!

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