Tuesday, March 2, 2010


My mommy was so excited today...she finally conquerered the bulb...you know the baby nose booger cleaner thingy. Here is a picture.

She got a big old booger out...thank goodness I can now breathe!! She was so excited she called Daddy at work and told him she was finally a good mother - she cleaned my nose. Oh boy - the thrill of victory.

Here are some pictures from my day. We 'ran errands' with Grammy again. I'm not sure why they call it that because it was really a shopping excursion that included lunch out. I think they say that so daddy and GT don't get mad they are out spending their hard earned money!! Shhhh...don't tell daddy but I saw mommy buy new shoes.

This is me...during shoe shopping...could there be anything more boring?

Here is me on my new soft blankie I got today from Miss Susan at daddy's work. Giraffes are cool - thanks Miss Susan!!

Daddy got home just in time to feed me - hooray for daddy!!

(I pooped on him a little - whoops - my bad!!)

Great shot mommy - you got all my chins!!

1 comment:

  1. He is soooo cute! I think he is going to be all grown before I get to see him again. My schedule stinks! Give him kisses for me! Lots of kisses!!!!
