Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Not at all spoiled

Check out my new chair!
Now when I am at Guh's house I
have a place to sit and get my grub on!
Oh look!  Applesauce!

Now can someone please open my

applesauce and put it on my plate?

Seriously, is anyone back there?
I know you didn't leave a baby
unattended and hungry!

I need you to put it right here on
my crazy Eeyore plate.

Oh whater, spoon food it to
me if you must!

If you weren't going to use
this plate why did you put it here?
This donkey is freaking me out.
My mommy I hate Disney stuff.

Applesauce overload!  I'm gonna need
a minute here...

I'll just see you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. is GUH wearing a wig??? what is with the blonde hair in the corner of the picture??
