Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy COWloween!!!!

Last night mommy and daddy went
outside and found a cow on the back porch!

No really, the cow was chilling
on the chair right in my backyard!

Busted!  It's just me in my
very first Halloween costume.

Why did I decide to be a cow you ask?

Duh - milk comes from cows!
You know how much I love my milkers!

I'm drooling just thinking about it.
Is it milk time already?

Gimme that milkers!!!!

Could I be any cuter?

Hope you have a fun Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We went to a Pumpkin Patch
this weekend!!!  There were lots
of pumpkins, baby pigs, chicks, horses,
an Ostrich, corn mazes, a train and
so much more!  Enjoy my pictures.

Me and daddy entering the Corn Maze.
Mommy and her child of the corn...

At the Pumpkin Patch

I picked a pumpkin almost bigger
than I am!

 If you only know how hard it
was to get this picture!

Laying in the corn.
It got in my ears...LOL no
pun intended!

Tell me again why you put
me in the corn box?

Well it is kind of fun to play in.
If only daddy would have let
me eat it!

Under the tire...
Now on top of the tire.

Mommy, daddy and me!
 A Cuite Pie amongst the pumpkins!

I can't lift any of these things....
they are too heavy.
This is more like it - great souvenier from
our day at the pumpkin patch!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Night Swim

This past weekend we got to
go for a night swim.  I loved it!
Here I am just curious what is about
to happen and wondering if I'm
going to get to take a dip!

Ok - we're in!

Splish splash...I'm getting the hang of it!

I love to kick my legs and get
my face wet!

This is the best part about living in Phoenix...
it has still been 100 degrees here so I was
swimming in October!
I had a blast and then got to chill
in my hoody towel!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Shout out!

Today I have a shout out...
and considering I like to eat paper,
this shout out had to be done while
eating my milkers and my mouth
was already busy!

I hope you have a happy birthday Aunt Natilan!
For those of you who don't know, she lives
in Nashville and I have only gotten to see
her once.  She came to visit me when I
was a mere 4 weeks old.  I get to go and
visit all my Nashville family in 2 weeks!
Aunt Nat - I'll bring your birthday present
to you when we meet again!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

G is for Griffey

There is a super awesome park
across the street from Guh's house.
Mommy took me there to play this
weekend - so much fun!
They have a circle with all the alphabet
letters so we got my picture by the 'G'.

Oh cool - I just noticed it!
No wonder Mommy made me sit here.
G is for Griffey!

I made it safely down the slide.

Ok just kidding, I'm too little to
slide down it...I'd whack my head
and knock myself out!
But it fun to dream.
I can't wait until I'm old enough.

I do get to play on the swingset though.
Don't I look thrilled?

I think I like it?

Yup...good times on the swing.
I pretty much love it.
If I could talk I'd scream
'Mommy push me higher!!'

Why you gotta ruin it by taking
this picture of my belly?
I got a case of the Dunlops.
My bellly done lopped over my pants!

Don't want to squeeze my cute
belly...I know you do!

Monday, October 4, 2010

GUG Milestone

I told you today was going to
be a very special post.
Last night before I got on
the computer mommy took me
back to my crib which was full
of balloons!!!

I was so excited to play with them.
And the strings were just as much fun!

But wait a minute...
what is the occasion?

Huh?  It can't be!!
200 Blogs?!?!?

Oh my goodness I have been a busy
little baby.  I officially have
200 blogs
 under my belt!!

This is too much for me to take!
I need to lie down.
I'm exhausted!

I hope you have enjoyed reading
all 200 of them!
Here's for another 200 to come!